Thursday, July 28, 2005

And a partridge in a pear tree...

Did you know that a city councilman from Kenya offered 40 goats and 20 cows for Bill Clinton's daughter Chelsea's hand in marriage? I kid you not (no pun intended).

Dude. I realize it is a "traditional" kinda dowry thing, African tradition and all, but sheeesh buddy..couldn't you sweeten the deal a bit?!?

I would have demanded at least 45 goats and the family pot bellied pig or somethin! If I was Bill.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Trailer Trash..only 1.4 million

The term "trailer trash" has long been used to describe the less affluent members of society who reside in a home with wheels. Sometimes there are no wheels. Sometimes there are derilict cars in the "yard", rusted out old refrigerators etc. The TV show Cops (my idea of social addition to the show "Cheaters") often shows the seedy underbelly of society as living in poverty conditions in trailers and wearing wife-beaters with a cold Bud in their hand.

I know that there are trailers out there in retirement communities - in Florida for example - which are quite lovely and affordable to the retiree.

The story I read on USA Today takes the cake though:

By Matt Krantz, USA TODAY
MALIBU, Calif. — The crazy California real estate market has come to this: a million-dollar trailer.

A two-bedroom, two-bathroom mobile home perched on a lot in Malibu is selling for $1.4 million. This isn't a greedy seller asking a ridiculous amount no one will pay.

Two others sold in the area recently for $1.3 million and $1.1 million. Another, at $1.8 million, is in escrow. Nearby, another lists for $2.7 million.

"Those are the hottest (prices) I've ever heard," says Bruce Savage, spokesman for the Manufactured Housing Institute. He says prices in another hot spot, Key West, Fla., top $500,000. As if the price isn't tough enough to swallow, trailer buyers:

•Don't own the land. As with most mobile homes sold in Malibu, the land is owned by the proprietor of the trailer park, in this case, Point Dume Club.

•Still pay rent. Not owning the land means paying what's called "space rent" that is as high as or higher than many mortgages in other parts of the USA. On the $1.4 million trailer, space rent is $2,700 a month.

•Can't get mortgages. Since the buyers don't own the land, most of the mobile homes are paid for in cash or with a personal property loan that usually amounts to $100,000 or less, says Clay Dickens, mortgage loan agent at Community West Bank.

Why would anyone pay seven figures for a trailer? It gets you more than the typical mobile home. The $1.4 million trailer is in a gated, guarded community with a shared tennis court and panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean. It also is on a larger-than-usual "triple-wide" lot.

Buyers are willing to pay such prices just to get into Malibu, where the average list price is $4.4 million, says Coldwell Banker broker Rick Wallace.

But, it's still a trailer with a modest kitchen and faux wood floors. Many still have trailer hitches attached.

Sellers couldn't be happier. Charley Chartoff, a 29-year-old Coldwell Banker Realtor, is selling the $1.4 million trailer after living there about three years. Chartoff won't say how much he paid, but neighbors say prices have climbed about threefold in that time.

Developers are partially driving the rise. Janet Levine at Maliblue Holdings has bought several old homes and is installing high-end "mobile villas" to put up for sale. Levine and others bristle at the term "trailer." To be permitted in the park, the home must be perched on piers (a high-end version of up on blocks).

Some neighbors, though, can only marvel at the prices. Longtime resident Jim Schwartz, 92, says he got an $800,000 offer for his trailer home, which is not for sale. He declined. But, "You come to me with $1 million, and we'll talk about it," he says.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


So my handy-dandy new Nokia 6630 is a great phone. The grrr is for the operator that my company uses. All their pages are in Finnish and I can't get the farkin phone to use WAP... Now I have to call the customer service center and get it sorted out..


Monday, July 25, 2005

Out.. I decided to come out. Come out of the "music" closet. I am no longer going to hang my head in shame and make nasty snappy comments when certain music is played on the radio.. Okay here goes: I love Barry Manilow and Neil Diamond. I know all the words to "Can I Have This Dance" by Anne Murray. I have the complete box set of Barbra Striesand. "Do You Know The Way to San Jose" gets my feet tapping and my vocal cords humming..and don't even get me started on the Carpenters - May Karen rest in peace. There I said it. It is like a 200lb gorilla has been lifted from my shoulders...

Friday, July 22, 2005

Props to my Sug

Okay, must give mad props to my SUG. The Sugaroo is followin' her dream. For those who don't know this, my SUG (a.k.a: Suga, Sugaramma, Sugadedo, Dood, Doodles, My Best Friend, J.E. Martin)finally made the big leap into the industry she actually studied for at University. If we take the way way back machine to when she grad-ju-ma-tated (that would be graduated for the literate folks), you would find out that she got herself a spankin spiffy piece 'o expensive paper from the very well known US institution (not looney bin folks): Boston University - College of Film.

The Mighty Sug has since (after many years of yearning and wanting to) migrated her half-American half-British behind to the Left Coast and taken a position as a Producer/Writer/Director with a production company out in the land of sunshine and palm trees, moviestars and swimmin pools. Why is it that I hear strains of Beverly Hillbillies going thru my head??... But I digress...

Anywhosamawhatsit - the Sug is on a plane this weekend to fly to NY to get on a boat to take a cruise down to the Caribbean. Not to take in the sun and sandy beaches folks, but to WORK. How's about THEM apples. Not only is Sugadabom persuin' her dream of makin the next Oscar winning film (staring ME of course - is it time for my medication at this point?), but she gets to farkin go on a cruise to do it! Doodles, YOU DA WOMAN! Rock on wit yo bad ass self!!!

There will be more updates on the Sug's mad dash into stardom - okay not stardom because the ones behind the scenes rarely get followed around by crazy shutter bug Paparazzi anglin to get a photo of them in compromising positions to sell to the Enquirer - but it will be duely and proudly broadcast in my blog when her "super secret" projects are nearing post production and all that industry lingo jazz. Can't be too careful bout listin stuff here - wouldn't want her ideas bein 5 finger discounted yo.

Mad Props to ya SUG. SUGA FOR YOU!! -

..we now return you to your regularly scheduled program already in progress...

Thursday, July 21, 2005

RIP Scotty - Beam me up.

A sad day yesterday. Scotty is no more. Actor James Doohan "Scotty" passed away. He was 85.

Doohan died at 5:30 a.m. at his Redmond, Wash., home with his wife of 28 years, Wende, at his side, Los Angeles agent and longtime friend Steve Stevens said. The cause of death was pneumonia and Alzheimer's disease, he said.

Doohan's ashes will be sent into space.

Monday, July 18, 2005

I caved...

Okay..I caved in. I did it. I bought the new Potter book...

Wow was it expensive..

Friday, July 15, 2005

Alligators in the sewers..

Oh my! The following is from a Boston News Channel's website:

One of Two Alligators Found In Lake
Sun May Pull Second Reptile From Hiding Spot

BOSTON -- One alligator was found in Brockton, Mass., lake Thursday and animal control officers were on the hunt for another after swimmers spotted the reptiles at Lake Waldo this week.

NewsCenter 5's Pam Cross reported that searchers found a 4-foot long alligator at about 12:30 p.m. A specialist thought he spotted the gator Wednesday, but the sighting was unconfirmed.

"It is a big area. There is a lot of places for a couple of small gators to be hiding. We are going to search pretty well, but it is going to be a tough search because there is an awful lot of places for those guys to hide," Animal Rescue Officer Nicholas Gilman said.

The Animal Rescue League has people on the lake in kayaks looking for the second reptile.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

I am such a wuss..

Okay..I am such a wuss. My willpower for resisting impulse buys and stupid gadgets is practically nill. I am also, more importantly, an avid reader. I love books. Books books books. Mira will probably throw my sorry bum out if I buy another book to cram into our already heavily ladened bookshelves. I am one of those people who will read a 400 page book in a day and have to go back to the bookstore to buy another one so I stop whining that I have nothing to read on the train to work or before nitey-nite time. Our bookshelves are so crowded that I have begun to stack them on the stool in the living room, I keep them in my night stand, I hide them in my work satchel, I constantly have to have a book to read. We even had to buy an additional bookshelf unit to accomodate our increasing library. It also doesn't help that Mira is an avid reader too! In 2 languages no less!!! AND her wonderful Mom (Moikka Mutsi!!)works for a publishing house!! Our Christmas (Jouluu) presents are always WONDERFUL books! Books books books books! We have copies of the same book in Finnish AND in English. My Finnish skills are good, but not at the level where I can read a well written novel in the Finnish language in under 4 months. I still have (thank you JT), my birthday present - Tom Jones' Biography in Finnish to slog thru!

Now, I suppose I should thank my Papa for encouraging my love of reading and not giving me a brain draining TV obsession. Although, I have one of those too. I am famous for "Fusche Face" - the slack jawed idiot expression I get when I watch, encounter, or stumble past the window of YLE and am captured by the moving pictures on the TV - which promptly disables any ability I have to listen to anyone asking me anything or the ability of stringing more than monosylablic words together (some of them sound suspiciously like grunts).

As a result of my dear old Dad encouraging reading (he is a book addict too), I find it impossible NOT to buy a new book. I think it is an illness. There is probably a support group out there for this issue as well. Right now I am struggling to contain my desire to run out to Suomalainen Kirjakauppa or Akateeminen and purchase another book to read. Oh, and did I mention that when I go to a book store it is NEVER just 1 book. If I make it out of the store without spending at least 35 to 40 freakin euro, it is a good day. Honestly, you know how some women have the monthly Salon expense (hair cut, color, nails, yadda yadda)? I have the monthly book expense. The only saving grace to my obsession with books is that I really only read certain genres - Crime Novels, Thrillers, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, History, Theology,...wait.that list is getting way too long! Okay..rethink this....RIGHT! The only saving grace is that living in Finland makes the publishing of new novels that I want to read take longer! Yes that is it. For example, there is a Steven Erikson book I really want to read - part of a series. And it isn't here yet in paperback or hardcover. OH..I also hardly ever buy hard covers unless absolutely necessary. So I have saved myself from that expense.

Now, I know you are all thinking.."Dude..Amazon it you freak!" Well, nice try there buddy..I would except the shipping and taxes would make my book obsession even MORE expensive!!! However, the point of this whole that the new Harry Potter book is coming out on Saturday..and I may just have to spend that money...


Friday, July 08, 2005


Right, so all over the news channels, websites, papers are images and stories of the terrorist attack in London on 7/7. I was so engrossed in my daily work grind yesterday that I didn't even know something had happened until Mira IM'd me and said "Have you heard the news on London?". Normally I am one who launches a news site first thing in the morning with her coffee and absorbs the happenings all over the world. Needless to say I was shocked at what I read. Not surprised, but shocked. It was never really a question of if, but when and where. Tragically tens (37 according to the BBC news site this morning) were killed and over 700 wounded. In the space of 56 minutes, the largest terrorist attack on British soil had occurred. Kristin was flooded with emails and IM's asking if she and D were okay - thankfully they are. I know she works 40 miles outside of London but I was still concerned until I received her email. D and she could have decided they looked too good to go to work that day and opted for a terrace beer/wine festival of their own. Thankfully they were nowhere near the occurances.

While watching BBC World last night after work, I was in awe of the calmness of the victims and witnesses the reporters interviewed. The stoicism floored me. I remember after 9/11, the hysteria and sheer panic which pervaded US streets. Not just in NY, PA or Washington, but all streets. It reminded me a bit of Chicken Little. I am not trying to belittle or criticize the American reaction to 9/11, but merely point out the drastic differences in reaction with respect to the British people. The famous British Stiff Upper Lip was evident and in full force and Tony Blair was almost Churchill-like in his statements. The difference in reaction to this attack, in my opinion, partially stems from the fact that Britain has been a target of terroist attacks for many years - the bombing of the BBC, M62, Birmingham Pub, Warrington, and Harrods (which my best friend was witness to and narrowly escaped from) - just to name a few. The US only had Oklahoma and the 1st attempt on the towers be fore 9/11. I am not saying that one should get used to terroism or terrorist attacks on innocent people. However, the British people - including the emergency services workers - behaved admirably and calmly in the face of a horrible situation partially because of having lived with the threat of terrorist attacks for many many years.

My thoughts are with the victims and their families.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Going thru life with blinders on.

Okay so I get back from holiday and am shocked at all the happenings and goings-on as you know. I adjusted my mind-set to get back into work, not lazing my fat arse around (okay not THAT fat!) drinking good sangria, eating fabulous food and napping and was back in the office on Monday.

As a self-professed news and political JUNKY (there has to be some sort of support group out there for people like me), there are very few days where I don't read all the news I can get my hands on or eyes peeled to. I don't limit it to Finnish news or UK knews, or EU news either. I am a sucker for following the news of my former home country.

One of my daily stops is at the website for my home town ( Now as many of you know, the 4th of July (thanks to Tom Cruise, Bruce Springsteen, and a really bad Will Smith film) is the day in the US where we celebrate our independence from the oppressions of taxation without representation, had a big tea party and told the Brits to get the bleep out. A day for hot dogs, flag waving, bbqs, beer, apple pie, and watching the nationally recognized best fireworks display for the holiday on my beloved Esplanade - complete with cannon firing to the 1812th Overture. A day to generally show your national pride and eat fun food in the warm sun. I read on the above mentioned site a lovely story about this woman who was a student in the area many years ago and has been keeping a tradition for 25 years of returning to the Esplanade, now with her husband and children, to celebrate the day. Great. Fabulous. More power to you! They also interview other people in the article who are quoted as well. One individual (a friend of this lady) goes on to say at the end of the article:
''I wanted to teach my kids patriotism to God and to the world. Freedom, it ain't free, it was bought and paid for with American blood. I want my children to understand that."

What precisely does "patriotism to God" mean?? Merriam-Websters defines patriotism as:

Main Entry: pa·tri·ot·ism
Pronunciation: 'pA-trE-&-"ti-z&m, chiefly British 'pa-
Function: noun
: love for or devotion to one's country

Since when is GOD a country? I read his statement and I thought to myself how absolutely blurred the lines have become. Is it just me or has that whole separation of state and religion gone even farther down the tubes.

Also, not all Freedom, in this instance the American Revolutionary War, was bought and paid for with American blood. The last time I checked, we got help too. From France, The Netherlands, and Spain!!! France officially entered the war in 1778, Spain in 1779 and The Netherlands in 1780...oh and the Revolutionary War was not over until 1783 folks. Oh and there is no such word as "ain't" god damn it!!!

...GRRRRRR ARRRRRGGG...It is just another example of one or all of the following: 1.) A HORRIBLE education, 2.) Ignorance, 3.) Egotisim 4.) Having bought hook line and sinker the idea that the US is the most important country in the world, God is on its side and everyone else is second rate..???

-rant over--...for now

Monday, July 04, 2005

Hold it right there bucko!!!

Right. I am back from my vacation in sunny Portugal. 2 weeks of lovely warm weather. Most Finns would say it was HOT. But hey, I am from NE where we get all that lovely sticky warm humidity in the summer. It was a slice of heaven! Toasty crispy brown farmers tan has been achieved.

Lots has happened since I was away:

- K has a blog which will make you shoot milk out your nose if you are reading it while drinking moo juice - as long as someone doesn't try to assasinate it and the stoopid wireless internet doesn't go down.
-Sandra Day O'Connor is retiring from the US Supreme Court - heaven help us the swing vote is in the balance
- States pay over 221 million dollars in remedial writing courses for their employees (go US education system!!)
- The voice artists of Tigger AND Piglet both kicked the kicked the bucket within 1 day of each other - RIP boys
- Luther Vandross and 'Obie' Benson of the 4 Tops both met their maker too..
- Porn goes mobile (PortaPorn anyone?)
- Gina had her 3rd child
- Melanie's capacity for missing people is directly related to their geographic postion to her
- Mira scared all of the gay people in Portugal - pride in Lisbon consisted of 5 people in the middle of the woods... driving around for 2 hours to find the "Pride" celebration in Portugal was quite amusing though...
- I haven't heard from my SUG in ages and think she has been swollowed up by the San Andreas thingamabob or something. Sug are you alive??

God damn it. I go on 1 bleeping vacation and the whole world turns topsy turvy (good phrase that one..I should use it more often). My holiday was great though. It is very polite of you to ask :) Lots of sun and sangria..38 C degree days, heavy fat ladened food, bacon wraped in bacon, more bacon, Pasteis de Belem, Yards of Beer, and naps. Mmmmmm naps. Naps are so under-rated anywhere else than in places like Italy, Spain and Portugal. You gotta love cultures that say "Okay folks, it is nap time. Go home and catch a couple of z's and we will see you in a few hours." I think the whole world should do that. Think about it. Wasn't life so much less complicated when you were in kindergarten or pre-school and you had nap time..and milk and cookies time? I say we start a petition that makes EVERY country adopt the nap time rule. Milk and cookies could be optional..say as a post nap snack for instance...

So now I am back from holiday (vacation for all you non euro-trashy types) and hopefully can catch up on my posting.

Oh..and there is something right with the world.. The BoSox are 1st in the AL East and the Yanks are 5 games back.. :)