Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Top 10 - England

10. Tripping over the sliding glass door threshold 4 times prompting Kristin to ban me entering the house from the garden via that door and relegating me to using the Garage door.
9. Getting a Krispy Kreme doughnut..in ENGLAND.
8. Scones with Clotted Cream and Jam
7. Watching both seasons of Grey’s Anatomy.. Seriously
6. Kristin takes a digger - magic
5. Breaking D’s TV ..mulitple times – damned Media Center and new fangled technology
4. Pub fish and chips at The George and getting a 30 minute “No picking on Stephanie” allowance – except K only lasted 13 minutes.
3. Having your flight cancelled because of stoopid-head terrorists and spending an additional 3 days in Blighty because BA couldn’t get us out before Monday
2. Drunk dialing your friends and telling them they love Cancer Chick more than you when they answer HER drunk dialing call and not yours
1. Getting to go back all over again in 6 weeks to have a long weekend with my Sug and lots of G & Ts


Anonymous said...

Hey Steph, sounds like a good time! I'm glad.

Hale said...

And I get to go back in... eleven weeks! But I'll try and stay away from the G & Ts, seriously they do not suit me at all. T

Nice to have you back home :)

Anonymous said...

Krispy Kreme in England? I blame the chunnel.
