Thursday, September 28, 2006


Right. It is so hard to be cool when you are a klutz like me. Mira's mom is coming over tomorrow evening and we are all going out to dinner. BUT, for those of you who know me, you know that I clean like a demon when people are coming over. I will ask Hale, for instance, to please excuse the mess when there is a magazine on the table or something...

Monday we play squash. Tuesday I have my Finnish class until almost 8. Last night Mira had a work dinner thingie (which I ended up at the afterparty and stayed out way too late and am paying the price for it today). Tonight I have Finnish class again and tomorrow Mira's mom comes over. Soooo, Mira and I had an agreement. I would do some of the cleaning last night and she would finish up tonight. She does the stuff I hate.

I will preface this with saying that this morning Mira told me that the apartment looked "perfect" :) I even moved all the funiture and vacuumed the skirting boards so that the dust bunnies wouldn't reform in under 2 days. All the while Tom Jones is blaring out of our sound system. Gotta have either Tom or Melissa when I clean... Anywho..I was standing in the wc and was starting to organize the cabinet in there. I noticed something on the floor so I bent down to pick it up. When I raised my head, I had in 2 seconds forgotten that I had left the cabinet door open (which is a mirror door..all glass). SLAM! Nice deep gash in my forehead! Blood everywhere. Now I look like Harry Frickin Potter!

I told people at work I got in a gang fight... Me and Harry...kickin' it Suomi style..

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Drugs Drugs Drugs

So I went to the Doctor yesterday. It is a new doctor. My company changed healthcare services so now we have a better choice of healthcenters to go to. All private, all really nice. I opted for the one on Keskuskatu, which is a short bus or tram or metro ride from my house. My new doctor is awesome. She is professional, and also very easy going which makes it much easier to ask all those questions you have but put off asking cause the doc gives you the willies in one way or another. What surprised me was that when she opened the door and called my name, she said it PROPERLY! What a shocker! Turns out the woman speaks French, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, English and Finnish! She also looks like she is 15. Which is oddly disturbing in a way.

Anywho..She told me after listening to my lungs, checking my sinuses, ears, and throat that I have: keuhkoputkentulehdus - which is finnish for: Bronchitis. She also says that I was really close to a nasty ear infection too. She armed me with 5 prescriptions (antibiotics, non-narcotic pain relievers, an antihisthamine that has a decongegstant in it, a thing to protect my tummy lining from all these meds, and a cough syrup that has codine). So..I take 2 pills twice a day, 1 pill 3 times a day, 1 pill once a day and a good hard swig of codine laced goodness (except for the salmiakki taste it has - ick!) at bedtime. Talk about feeling like a lab rat! At least I don't have an inhaler! K (and also my Doc) pointed out that maybe this is a sign to kick the smoking thing..since I keep getting respiratory infections. Not that smoking causes them, but it doesn't help any. The Doc was also wants me to have all of my records of the 43936246 tests I had last year forwarded to them . I signed the consent form the minute I left her. She wants to take a good hard look at them and stuff. Joy of joys..I get to have my 1st mamogram... Now I am all for the screening. I am all for women getting one early and yearly. I would rather know I am fine than just assume it...but part of me is a bit scared of it. The booby fairy was generous to me so I am not relishing the idea of my breast being flattened like a pancake..

Aside from only being out of the house to get food for the fridge (all of 5 mintues) and the Doc, I was stuck in the house for almost 5 days staring at the same 4 walls. Now, don't get me wrong - being home on the sofa can be waaay relaxing. But when you feel like crap it isn't so much on the relaxing part. Not to mention I have been dealing with work emails and calls from a Service Manager asking if I would help a junior member of our department when I am back at work...

Just sayin...

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Right. Friday we met some friends for a few libations and ended up going home early. The Finn had had a few with a work mate before we met Hale and Pia at Nalle for a few more. By 10, we were leaving and getting our butts home (Hale and Pia know why). Anyway..initially I felt quite tired on Friday and sort of achey. Woke up on Saturday with a congested chest that I figured was due to the copious amounts of cigarette smoke in the bar and my lungs (really do need to kick that habit)... Saturday evening we attended the 30th birthday party of one of Mira's old schoolmates. Towards about 10, I started to really not feel so well... Fast forward to Sunday and a full blown chest and head cold has lodged itself firmly in my system. Monday - did anyone get the number of that truck that ran me over? Today - I think it came around for a second go at me. I went to bed last night feeling better than when I woke up that morning..and now it feels worse?!?! WTF?!?!?!

On a happy note, I randomly signed into AOL IM at 9 something this morning and my SUG was on line (thanks to the time diff). Got to chat with the Sugsta for a good 30 mintues before she had to take herself off to sleepy land. We discovered today (last night for her), after thinking about it, I have known her for almost 15 years. She has been my best friend for quite a while. In ALL of the years that we have known each other, we have NEVER had an argument. Freaky. Of course, then we went on to discuss how long it has been since I moved and stuff and we sort of began to get weepy and crap. We put a stop to that right there! None of that shit thanks! She also told me that I have to grab the Finn and move the hell back to the US (Cali perferably). She said something about my little Portuguese/French blood not being able to handle the weather here or somethin. Funnily enough, we both come from Boston - can you say very very similar climate? I knew you could.

Sadly, moving to the US isn't in the cards right now. Silly little things green card, jobs, money. Piddly I know, but still. Besides, SUG should move to Finland! I am sure she and her hubby would LOVE the tropical climate, low taxes and high wages.

I get to hang with Sug in London in a few weeks (for a few days), so that is good. She is going to visit her family in the Midlands. She actually did try to see about a side trip to Suomi, but unfortunately it would have more than doubled the cost of just her plane tickets. It is far mor economical for me to hop down to London. Cream tea here we come - not to mention copious amounts of alcohol and laughter...

Question: If there was a bridezilla in a horror/suspense movie - you know, the character you really WANT to see get added to the death toll in a right nasty fashion - what way would it be most satisfying for her to die? - Tower falling on her, eaten alive by cockroaches from hell...sawed in half by the caterer???.... Just sayin