Monday we play squash. Tuesday I have my Finnish class until almost 8. Last night Mira had a work dinner thingie (which I ended up at the afterparty and stayed out way too late and am paying the price for it today). Tonight I have Finnish class again and tomorrow Mira's mom comes over. Soooo, Mira and I had an agreement. I would do some of the cleaning last night and she would finish up tonight. She does the stuff I hate.
I will preface this with saying that this morning Mira told me that the apartment looked "perfect" :) I even moved all the funiture and vacuumed the skirting boards so that the dust bunnies wouldn't reform in under 2 days. All the while Tom Jones is blaring out of our sound system. Gotta have either Tom or Melissa when I clean... Anywho..I was standing in the wc and was starting to organize the cabinet in there. I noticed something on the floor so I bent down to pick it up. When I raised my head, I had in 2 seconds forgotten that I had left the cabinet door open (which is a mirror door..all glass). SLAM! Nice deep gash in my forehead! Blood everywhere. Now I look like Harry Frickin Potter!
I told people at work I got in a gang fight... Me and Harry...kickin' it Suomi style..

Cleaning up is dangerous, that's what I always say.
For the record, although the gash is placed appropriately, it is not in the shapre of a lighting bolt. Add to that the facts that 1) you do not wear glasses (regularly) 2) do not have hair that hangs in your eyes and 3) you are not a pubescent boy (nor do you look like one, pubescent boys do not get called “sir” ;-)) you do not look anything like Harry Potter. Wait, did you not mean that so literal? Love you, miss you, mean it!
Well, you've not met my "electric nephew"... same gash, same situation... he got 3-4 stitches for it tho...
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