Often I hear people lamenting about the politicians in power or the state of the laws - both in the US and in Finland. When I ask people why they don't do anything about it a great deal of the time the response is that politicians are always crooked so there is nothing they can do about it.
My answer to that: Ignorant. Some accuse me of being an idealist or unrealistic in these issues. Why? Who says that 1 person can not make a difference in this world. If you don't like the way your government is run, put someone in there who WILL make a difference in your life or who you believe WILL act in the causes that you hold dear. If you don't vote then you don't have a right to complain. If you don't exercise your duty to have your voice heard then you relinquish your right to bitch and moan about the state of the state. Even if your "guy" didn't make it, you at least voted and can now and with full righteous indignation say that in your opinion your guy would have done better. Or if the politician you did vote for is NOT doing his/her job you can vote them out of office by voting for someone else who you think WILL get the job done. Be active in your community and fight for what you believe in.
This is why I can't wait to have my Finnish Citizenship! I still retain my US citizenship, and yes I still vote. Granted I am only able to vote in the Presidential Elections due to my residency in Finland, but hey..at least I get to vote! Unfortunately I discovered yesterday that it will take about 18 months to process my citizenship application..and I can't even submit it until Dec of 2007!...UGH... At least in 2008 I get to vote... And this is what I hope for:

Except with the Finnish politicians: anyone for there will promise the 10 good and 11 beautiful ones, then raise the taxes and their salary.
Aren't you hoping for a Hillary win? If it wasn't for the 22nd Amendment, George W. Bush could be re-elected for a third term.
I don't think it's true that Finnish politicians are especially crooked or incompetent. I think they've been doing a great job in many issues exactly because there is a relatively high interest in politics in Finland. Great post, I completely agree that it's possible to make a difference.
Good post. Wanna know the greatest thing about voting in Finland? You dont have to wait hours in a line before you can cast your vote.
So you want Hillary Clinton to get the democratic ticket? No change you'll reconsider your stance. Woulnd't it be better if the dems pick someone who is a progressive like Hillary, BUT isn't such a total hawk, someone who has a realistic and sensible foreign policy plan, knowns how the war on terror should really be fought and (this is the really important part) is actually electable? I'm ofcourse talking about Wesley Clark.
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