Monday, September 10, 2007

Quit yer whinin'

Folks whine asking "Why don't you come visit more often
$1600 for plane tickets. THAT'S WHY!

We are going to Boston for Christmas. It has been almost 2 years since I have seen my family, so it is about ferkin time. The thing that gets me is that my lovely step-mom always asks and whines about when we are coming to visit. Let THEM shell out 1600 buck-a-roos each time and see how often they whine about me not visiting. Not only is it a large amount of samolians, but then the whole christmas presents thing, the getting around (to rent a car or to mooch?..that is the question).. AND 2 very dear friends are getting married (YAY John and Patricia)....needless to say, my folks need to just step the frick back on this. It isn't that we DON'T want to visit, it is just that shelling out that kind of moolah 4 times a year (as they would like it to be) is not in our budget..sheeesh people! How many more slang terms can I use for money in one blog? (rehtorical question folks)

Spoke to SUG this weekend too..Shout out to my West Coast Sistah! Her bday is coming up and she just closed on a condo and will have to be filming in Penn when she should be moving.. Poor SUG..

Work is crap. I hate work. Have I mentioned this before? Oh yeah..only like 32624564236 times...

Got my stitches out today :) Yay. Before you all go all "Oh my. Did you have another one of your graceful moments requiring medical attention" on me, I DID NOT INJURE MYSELF. I had a mole removed from my forearm - like you really wanted to know.... I will have a cute little scar (to add to the 36346243725624 other ones I have from my mis-adventures in life) on my right forearm...

For those of you who are wondering..our dates for being in Boston are 21-Dec to 03 Jan...gotta be there for RRJ and Patricia's hitchin'

...where did that stupid southern accent come from?


Patricia said...

"gotta be there for RRJ and Patricia's hitchin'"


Anonymous said...

So, wait, you're saying visiting me isn't worth $1600?!? I am SO worth at least that much!!!
Joking. Very excited you will be here, and hope I have never been one of the whiners about you not visiting enough.

CHAMAN said...