Friday, June 27, 2008

Talky or no talky? I have been debating something in my head - and sometimes out loud with myself which really freaks people out - about whether or not I might start putting talky blog posts on here.

Now..this is a very delicate subject. A talky blog requires I can and will actually be able to speak coherently and also will kind of remove my "anonymity" and actually lend a voice to my rantings.

It may also open me up to all kinds of stalker types. I am not so sure I am ready for that. I do fully expect the slamming flames and the usual cracks about my Rick Springfield hair (still growing it out SUG)and nasty comments on the virtues or lack there of regarding my looks, fashion sense (or lack there of), and what overall makes me me. However, it would actually allow me to explore the whole video making/editing thing on my phone and also my webcam.

...ugh..indecision is killing me.. I wonder if I can do a talky blog without actually using MY THAT just brings up a whole Conan-esque thing...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude, we use AIM at work, turn yours on. :)