Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Sloth sloth and more sloth

And from the deep darkness came a sound. Long had the world lain in stillness without even a whisper of indication that the beast still lived. Slumbered it did in the deep dark cold of the north. But no more. Slowly the signs of stirring began..
Yeah..that is about as far as I am gonna go in describing my sloth-like behaviour for the last several months in not only blogging, but life. I wasn't completely inert though..I finally changed companies. After having almost 4 years of frustration and low pay, I was wooed away to join a new firm - same customer, but new firm. The bump in pay is nice, the bonus structure is nice, everything is nice at Nice…so far. I know I am still in the honeymoon phase, but I already have a better sense of feeling valued by my employer.
S that I have gotten myself sort of moving again..

1.) Go Hillary
2.) Clam Chowder and a decent bagel in t-minus 2 days
3.) Mike's Pastry…yum
4.) English all the time
5.) Shout out - SUGA!
6.) mmmm N82 goodness

And for your amusement (hat tip to Amanda)

Oh..and only in Finland can a guy who sqewered someone be the athlete of the year

..right..not a very creative blog today..but it is all I have in me right now…may blog later today..keep yer eyes peeled..