Monday, July 28, 2008

And on a lighter note..

Since I went on a rant in my previous post, I figured I would lighten it up a bit.

Streakers hit Charles polo match

Three male
streakers invaded the pitch being watched by the Prince of Wales during an annual society polo event. The naked trio emerged from the grandstand during a match between England and Australia at the Cartier International event in Windsor.

Two returned to the stand but the third was cheered as he fled stewards and hurdled two metal barriers to escape. Prince Charles, who was overseeing the event in place of the Queen, watched the spectacle from the royal box.

The Cartier International, held at the Guards Polo Club within the
grounds of Windsor Great Park, is one of the most glamorous dates in the social calendar. Some 25,000 people attended the event, which took place on the hottest day of the year so far. The intervention of the streakers, who stripped off during the final chukka, temporarily halted play.

However, England went on to win 10-9 and lift the trophy.
England team captain Luke Tomlinson later said it was not the first time he had played in a match interrupted by naked intruders.

"You are so focused on the game you hardly notice. It brings a bit of
humour in and the crowd seem to enjoy it
," he said.

Meanwhile, a spokeswoman for the club said: "I think it is the hot
weather and the Pimms to blame. These things happen."

I love Pimms..and it has been known to release some of my inhibitions as well.

I just love the British sense of humour.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The American Dream

My ass!

I was just reading how the minimum wage in the U.S. is going up to a whopping $6.55 (2.81€) an hour and ultimately in 2009 (yes 2009) it will be an astounding $7.25 (3.11€) an hour. The idea that this amount of money will even support 1 person let alone a family is beyond me!

For example:

In 2006, the median monthly rent in Massachusetts was $933 per month. Now, MA is 5th on the list of rents (Hawaii, California, New Jersey, and Maryland are higher). However:

6.55 X 40 hours of work = $1034.90 BEFORE TAXES
Factor in State and Federal Taxes, FICA and let's just chop about 30% off that which leaves you a total of: $724.43

Of which you need to:
Pay rent
Buy Food
Utility Bills (electric, gas, etc)
Transportation (T pass - metro card for you Finns) - don't even THINK about a car
Health insurance - yeah like you can afford THAT..

Now..if the AVERAGE rent is $933 a month in the great state of MA, how can one even remotely expect to live on that minimum wage?Let alone feed themselves, clothe themselves, transport themselves to that job which doesn't even allow them enough to pay their rent?

Oh and then the the economists and small business state: "But if we raise the minimum wage, we will be forced to pass on the added expense to the consumers.."


The 2007-2008 poverty threshold was measured according to the HHS Poverty Guidelines:
Persons (in the family unit) Annual Income threshold
1 $10,400
2 $14,000
3 $17,600
4 $21,200

so for each additional person add $3600.

The richest country in the world and they are saying that 1 person is in poverty if they make less than 10,400 bucks a year...well with the minimum wage hike, that lovely 1 person is now not in poverty!


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Simplicity -

This song has just captivated me lately. It is deceptively simple..but sheesh..i love it..

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

RIP Funny Lady

Sadly, the entertainment industry lost the great comedy actress Estelle Getty today.

As Sofia:

Out of the makeup:

Lesbo Lesbo Lesbo Llllllesbo!!!

Let me say that again..LESBO! (now that I won't be banned from saying it)

This just was too precious NOT to post (thanks MSNBC):

Greek court rules lesbians not just from Lesbos

Island residents asked for a ban on use of 'lesbian' to describe gay women

ATHENS - A Greek court has dismissed a request by residents of the Aegean island of Lesbos to ban the use of the word lesbian to describe gay women, according to a court ruling made public on Tuesday.

Three residents of Lesbos, the birthplace of the ancient Greek poetess Sappho whose love poems inspired the term lesbian, brought a case last month arguing the use of the term in reference to gay women insulted their identity.

In a July 18 decision, the Athens court said the word did not define the identity of the residents of the island, and so it could be validly used by gay groups in Greece and abroad.

The ruling ordered the plaintiffs to pay court expenses of $366.2.

"This is a good decision for lesbians everywhere," Vassilis Chirdaris, lawyer for the Gay and Lesbian Union of Greece, told Reuters. "A court in Athens could not stop people around the world from using it. It was ridiculous."

He said the plaintiffs were free to appeal the decision in a higher court.

Lesbos, which lies just off the Turkish Coast, has become a gathering spot for gay women from around the world, especially at the village of Eressos which is regarded as the birthplace of the poet in the 7th century B.C.

Several residents testified during the trial that the use of the word lesbian had brought recognition to the island and boosted its tourist trade.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Conversations with my SUG leads to..

..random photos being shown to me by my Finnish workmates.

So Sug and I were chattin' last night and in our unique way of communicating through diggs and jibes, I actually told her that I could contain myself and not be star struck around major hollywood movie types if I were to ever get a chance to be on the set of a movie she is producing at any time in my life. She then brings up one of my favorite actresses. I extolled my virutes of patience and decorum...yaddayadda...she wasn't buyin'

Flash forward to work this morning - my workmate asks if I have seen a particular picture which was in the newspaper on Wednesday. I reply no I haven't.

I must now state with absolute certainty, I would never be able to not be gobsmacked if I ever met this woman... were right..

If this is 63...HOLY WOW!! And not 1 stitch of plastic surgery..

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Go Spy Daddy!

Okay, I know I am a geek. I also have a penchant for seriously loving corny stuff. Yes, I cry at Hallmark commercials - however not recently as Hallmark isn't in Finland..

There is just something that warms my heart seeing Spy Daddy do this..

Oh..and for the record, I actually like this show.

There I said it.

Friday, July 11, 2008

The wheels on the bus go round and round.

I don't know why I am slightly surprised by this:

Rove ignores subpoena, refuses to testify
The former White House adviser could face contempt charges as a result

You can click on his ugly mug to get the story.. UGH!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Slippery Slope

As most of you who know me are aware, I am an unashamed, bleeding heart, tree hugging, liberal in most senses. In other areas it can sometimes seem to me that a mini-republican has invaded parts of my thought processes and I have to actively struggle against those tendencies. Lately, I have heard myself utter words that I never thought I would hear come out of my mouth. Things like:

"Those damned alcoholic bastids need to stop using their unemployment, which my tax money pays for damn it, to by booze. Cut them all off! Make them get a job and contribute to society for crying out loud!"

"Stupid people who live off unemployment need to get off their asses and get a fucking job already. I am tired of paying taxes out the ass to support a family of 435 people who are fully capable of working!"

It brings such a disturbing level of shame to myself to hear my own voice utter such broad statements of intollerance and well...conservativism.

And then I come across something like this:

New Police Chief Wants Everyone's Fingerprints
Published 09.07.2008, 07.14
Source: YLE

Finland's new National Police Commissioner Mikko Paatero wants police to have access to a controversial national fingerprint database being planned for passport identification purposes.

In an interview with the newspaper Aamulehti, Paatero said that the planned fingerprint database would be an excellent investigative tool for the police.

Current plans call for all passport applicants to be fingerprinted no later than as of next June. If implemented, this means in practice that the fingerprints of nearly all Finnish adults will be on record within the next ten years.

An Interior Ministry task force is in charge of formulating the details of the new database. Plans already do include its use in the investigation of serious criminal offences and in the identification deceased persons and disaster victims.

Finland's Data Protection Ombudsman Reijo Aarnio is opposed to the establishment of the fingerprint database. He says that potential mistakes and misuse could cause serious problems for citizens. Aarnio believes that criminals will still be able to mislead the police by leaving fake prints at the scenes of crimes.

A final decision on setting up the fingerprint database will be taken by Parliament.

There are those people who say that if you have nothing to hide, then you have nothing to worry about. What about personal privacy?!? What is next, a Finnish version of the Patriot Act??!

Wednesday, July 09, 2008


That would be the sound my wallet screaming in pain. Getting older suxors. Suxors to the tune of (as of today's exchange rates)611buckaroos to you the faithful masses who read my blog (all 6 of you most likely).

I finally found glass frames (sort of). Of course they are framelss bendable jobbers which will hopefully extend their lives in my treacherous care, but jesus h. christ on a pogo stick!

So in 3-4 weeks, my glasses/not glasses will be ready and I will be able to go get them..

they look someting like this...

Monday, July 07, 2008

At last..

and I am not talkin about Etta James.

2 1/2 years after moving into our flat and after saving some serious dosh, these are finally in..