Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Rocking Friends..

Right..so my previous post was a bit of a pity party I know. I am over it. Hale commented on how people get confused by her gender or that she is a racist skin head. Anzi said that they were dumbasses...

I have no idea how someone can be confused by Hale's gender. She is tall, willowy and OBVIOUSLY a woman - shaved head or not. OH..and a hottie :)

So..my personal pity party extended to this morning..right up to the point where I called Beth. My bestfriend ROCKS my world. I call her feeling all "i need my sug and she is 10,000 miles away" and after my obligatory opening of: "Duuuuuuuude..Suga!" and her telling me how awesome it was that I called (instantly made me smile from ear to ear) she IMMEDIATELY says: "Okay..it is physics..for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction..Same thing with us. For every amazingly world class cool person like us there is an equaly huge retard in the world. And you can be on my kick ball team any time." Ya know what?...She is right. There has to be a balance...

My friends are the coolest people on the planet. Absolutely amazingly smart, insightful, totally hot and damn it, just THAT funny. So this is a shout out to all my rockin friends who are doing their part in keeping the balance. Which in and of itself is kind of frightening. Frightening you ask? Yes. Because the amount of totally rockin friends I have means that there are equally the same number of absolute retards in the world...

M= (-H)+(-F)*I

So..if you take R(Rockin-ness) to equal S (smartness) plus F (funniness) devided by H (hotness) then the dumbasses would be M (moron-ness) is equal to -H (negative hotness) plus -F (negative funniness) multiplied by I (idiotness) :)

And who said I am not good at math?..oh me...Well just goes to show I am smarter than I thought :)


Anzi said...

Some intelligent woman once said that "every woman that agrees to be a doormat makes life so much harder for the rest of us". To which my boyfriend commented "and every man who treats women like doormats makes life so much harder for the rest of us".

Topic? Like you said, just because we're cool, sassy, smart, hot, and not sexist, close-minded jerks does not mean that everyone else is.

I just felt like commenting on this because as a 182 cm tall woman I get a lot of stupid comments.

Anonymous said...

I wish I could believe your math. I think there is an inbalance though. It sure seems that there are a lot more idiots than people with rockin-ness...Plus not only are they stupid, they are also mean (you have lived that recently) and rude (for some reason there are less people likely to say excuse me when they run into you than one would like, the entire English population for instance).

Anonymous said...

Hmm...sigh....These kind of incidents suck for making us all question ourselves and the harsh reality of the world around us. But you absolutely DON'T SUCK and that's all you really need to know :)

And if I had a kickball team, I would pick you too. (I would also be the scared girly girl cheering the team on from the sidelines) :)


Kalmanuppi said...

Oh, methinks there is a Constant of Assholes, but i'm still working on the equation. I think its a fuction of Alcohol, or the lack of it, so it must be a parabole, and I've burned my logarithm tables.

Anonymous said...

Ok I think your equation is wrong. Its not /H its R=S+F to the power of H. R should always = a number higher then 1. With your equation there is a chance someone cool could dip below 1 if they are ultra hot. And thats just not right!

So Remember its r=S+F to the power of H

For the record my R value (Oh I like that) is 42
Solve for F.