September this hits theatres:

I do have one question though...WTF is up with Al's hair? Is it just me or have the hair & makeup people really been HORRIBLE with his locks lately. 88 minutes..HORRIBLE hair.. (not a really great movie either..but it was Al and I HAD to see it)...
The cast also includes: Brian Dennehy, Mark Wahlberg, John Leguizamo (a highly under-rated actor)...and ugh 50 Cent..
I don't have high expectations, but if you get a the trailer and tell me if I am wrong to be skeptical of this movie.
Have my 2 favorite tough guys reached the point of needing to gracefully step back from the in-your-face type of tough guy and now moved into the realm of stately tough guy who doesn't have to do a damn thing to make you quake in your shoes?
I think the answer is yes
1 comment:
They're Gangster Tough which is its own breed and his hair is downright funky.
See, grasshopper, there are different types of tough:
Gangster Tough: DeNiro, Pacino, Samuel L. Jackson
Cop Tough: (Similar but a little different) Bruce Willis, Charles Bronson, James Garner
Crazy Tough: Mel Gibson (Lethal Weapon, Mad Max), Kurt Russell ("Escape from..." franchise)
Cowboy Tough: Clint Eastwood, Clint Walker, John Wayne, Christian Bale,
Soldier Tough: (Similar to cowboy) Lee Marvin, Kirk Douglas, Russell Crowe
Unexpected Tough / Reluctant Hero (rises to the challenge): Harrison Ford, Viggo Mortensen, Hugh Jackman, Jackie Chan, Will Smith
Cartoon Tough: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sly Stallone
Stately / Biblical Tough: Charleton Heston, Richard Burton,
There are others - I could go on and on like Spies (toys and slick martial arts): Jet Li, Daniel Craig,
Now you'd never see Chuck Heston playing Snake Plissken (Russell) and you'd never see DeNiro as the Man With No Name in Pale Rider but they are all Tough Guys.
Here endeth the lesson.
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