Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Guilty Pleasures and Shite

Right..so I have this guilty pleasure. I can't help myself...but I have to watch Footballers Wive$. It is complete trash TV..but I am addicted. I also have to watch Bad Girls. I know it is also complete trash, but without my 800 channels of cable that I used to get in the States there are few options for me to feed my TV Addiction with. I already read 4 books a month and play squash and am beginning my Finnish classes at the University again..so don't even start with the "get a hobby" crap. TV is my de-res time. I miss 800 channels.. Okay I don't miss 800 channels... I miss the Discovery Channel, TCM, E, Bravo, NBC, ABC, and Comedy Central. I also miss Showtime... Damn it! I want to be able to see REAL TIME, the West Wing, Inside the Actor's Studio, 20/20, The Daily Show, The L Word, random comedy specials with stand-ups that make you spit out your diet coke from laughing so hard.

I am not going to say Finnish TV is complete Shite, because it has its share of social porn (Cheaters anyone?) and imported British TV as well as US TV (albeit 2 seasons behind). If it wasn't for the net, I would be HOPELESSLY behind on the whole Jimmy Smits running for the Pres thing. Last season's West Wing is running now..at 11:15 in the frickin evening! S-video cable and a video card to the rescue thank goodness...

Maybe it is a good thing I can't watch so much TV? Nah... Screw that shite, I love TV!


Kalmanuppi said...

Oh, confessions. I got a digibox... not that I watch tv that much but needed something besides the ordinary 4... now I am contemplating Canal+ - its a long cold winter coming...

Anonymous said...

try British tv without cable or satellite for a while and then let me know how bad tv is...

Anonymous said...

Point taken..

Anzi said...

YOu can get Showtime, Discovery Channel, TCM and even E! through a digibox. My parents have one and it's just great!

BTW, Footballer's wives and Bad Girls are two kick-ass shows. :-)