Monday, March 31, 2008

Fudge..only I didn't say fudge

..bonus points if ya get THAT reference..

So the bank that we use was bought by a Danish bank (no glaze please), and over the weekend they "re-vamped" their webbank services...well let me tell you this..


Why in the hell would I wanna pay interest on interest you stupid mo-fo's!? Oh and who's bright idea was it to take away the next bill information on my accounts (master card and personal credit line)? I like to know what my bill is before that stupid paper one comes in the mail..and I like to pay it before I get that stupid paper so I can have the self satisfied feeling of tossing the fricking thing out without even having to open it!

Oh..and now i can't figure out in advance the interest deduction on my taxes before the end of the year because they don't itemize the frickin list so I know how much interest was paid...BASTARDS!!!!

Did I mention that I can't even find if they have my standing investment order still in effect??! I mean I realize I am no Bill Gates here...but my paltry sum that goes into my investment account every month has slowly been gathering a few bucks here and there..and in the long term it will be good to have that kind of savings when I give up work life...and now I can't even tell if it is gonna go on the 15th as it used to..

Oh ..and don't even get me started on the fact that our mortgage is due tomorrow and we have no idea what the frickin bill is. We could always see that on-line and make sure that the mortgage money was in the joint account for the auto-go-magic such luck....


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Only THE best Christmas movie of all time.