Monday, March 10, 2008

Resistance is Futile sug has a blog... :)

Sometimes it is really rough having one's best friend live 7000 miles away with a time diff of 10 hours... Haven't seen SUG in over a year..wicked bummer... Aside from being one of the most cerebrally funny people in the world, she is a pretty darn good Sug to have in your corner when it comes to ANYTHING... We have noticed between us however, that we don't like women very much. Odd statement coming from a softball playin' member of the pink triangle team...but seriously. We can't really stand many women. -I also use to many tripple dot's when trying to express my opinion, but I digress- I personally think it is because we don't suffer infantile and dramatic behavior lightly and the fact that we are just THAT smahhht and funny. What is worse is those women who THINK they are smart and so chic and cool..and AREN'T.

What I think would make the world tilt on its axis, altering life as we know it, is if my SUG, myself, K & D, Mel & Laura, Mira, Michael, and Leb all ended up in the same place at the same time. OH HOLY CONVERGENCE OF THE MEDULLA OBLONGATA POWER PANTHEON BATMAN! - It is disturbing sometimes to think that my favorite people in the world have never met...they just hear about each other from my many many stories.

I have known my SUG since 1993..and I can honestly state that even though I am now 7000 miles away in the land of the frozen north, my Sug will always be my best mate..and i couldn't be prouder to call her friend or call her at 4 am drunk. I seriously think we share the same brain at times.

If you are lucky enough to have a friend that you can be sitting with at a restaurant or in a cafe people watching, drinkin' a Dunkies or just driving around- look at each other give the arched eyebrow and the sardonic smirk - You don't have to say a word..because you both share a brain and have had the exact same thought at the exact same time. The ensuing fit of hysterical laughter and one liners makes your tummy muscles hurt from shaking with mirth.. - Then you my dear reader are one lucky bastid.

I know I am.


Anonymous said...

Aww Dude... *snif* OK, enough of that, ;-)

Fusche said...

Right?! It must have been some sort of hormonal shift or somethin' that made me all bout the Sug. I am better now.