Monday, March 03, 2008

Getting my back up!

Where does censorship begin and the right to freedom of speech stop? Recently I have been following items in the news here in Finland over the last few months about an art exhibit being closed, another artist and Time's" Photagrapher of the Year" for 2001 was investigated after a complaint by 7 individuals said that the photographs were an offence against human dignity, website links being blacklisted on the premis of childpornography (which does not contain them btw) and most recently, my friend Phil having a lawsuit filed against him by a filmmaker/publisher for libel due to Phil's blog containing posts and comments about him which he finds insulting and also blaming Phil for the downward turn of his publishing business. (You can read all about it on Phil's blog)

At which point does the line get drawn between freedom of speech and outright sensorship? If someone breaks a law then they have broken a law and most people will say that they need to bear the consequences of their illegal behaviour. However - what would have happened and where would, for example, the US be without Rosa Parks, or Brown v. Board of Education? Rosa defied the "whites only" rule and segregation laws and became the mother of the modern-day civil rights movement in the US - it was ILLEGAL for her do do what she did and the US is a better place for it.

It is my understanding that Finland is a country of freedom of speech which their veterans fought for. A free and independent Finnish State. Where is it illegal for someone to present the facts of their life (in the instance of Mr. Vanhanen's ex-girlie) in a public way? Mr. Vanahnen is sueing Ms. Ruusunen and the publisher for illegally "revealing and spreading private information". According to many sources (and I haven't read the book and have no desire to) - " The narrative of the book is dominated by text messages between Ruusunen and the prime minister.." - Sooo..he writes these things to his girlfriend, she decides to share them and he cries foul. WHATEVER! My opinion is that he, being a politician, is trying to save his bacon - and no amount of - I am filing this as a private citizen and not the Prime Minister - statements will change my mind. Who really gives a crap in the woods what his relationship with this woman was like...certainly not I. However...the point is... why can't she reveal facts about her life..which happen to include him..if she has the text messages from him to prove it factual..then..what is the issue..OH RIGHT..his career..

Art sensorship because of offence to human dignity?? What about Picasso?!??! Some would state that his depiction of women is offensive to the dignity of women. What about pornography?..some would say that pornography is offensive to the dignity of both men and women.. Where does the line get drawn?... Slippery Slope my friends...

And as for Phil's situation - I firmly believe that the filing party will get his whining butt spanked in court..but it is seriously disturbing when the sueing culture which is prevelant in the States makes it to Finland. Freedom of Speech is Freedom of Speech - Ms. Ruusunen is publishing precisely what Mr. Vanhanen wrote..and not some made up tale of what he didn't write. The Artists mentioned here are precisely that..artists, the blocked website was actually one protesting censorship (convenient it was blocked eh?)...and Phil's blog is his experiences and views on Finnish life...

again I ask..where is the line?....

1 comment:

Hale said...

I do agree that the whole Ruusunen/Vanhanen thing is a complete waste of time and money and I could not care less about his personal life (I barely care about his professional life) and I'm not saying anything about why Vanhanen really sued that lady. BUT I do think she does not have the right to publish private messages that were sent and meant only for her. No matter who sent them, even if it was the prime minister. She has a right to write about her own life including her former bf, but even if the bf is a public figure his private messages should be just that. Private.

What is it with finnish people and textmessages!?! Some people are stupid when they send them and some take advantage of that and sell them. The latest busy little texter should have learned his lesson a long time ago. Pretty girls with big tits + texting to them about their underwear = less of credibility and cash for the girls.