Monday, April 03, 2006

Step away from the Big-Mac

This is going to be one of those posts that inevitably pisses someone off. Ya know what? I don't give a flying-fuck. I was lamenting in my head today how my creativity has just sputtered and died lately. Usually I read news stories and I get my little brain all charged up, neurons--okay neuron firing away for all it is worth. Lately, nothing has inspired my nasty little unforgiving side into action.

Well folks..that changed. I am reading the web today and I come across an article about car seats and fat kids. The title of the article is "Obese children find it difficult to fit in car-safety seats" NO SHIT SHERLOCK! So then I read the tragic tale of how obese kids can't fit properly into the car seat and run the risk of death and serious injury in car crashes. Damn right they do. Not only do they run the risk of death and injury by the not fitting their asses into the car seats, they run the risk of heart disease, juvenile diabetes, liver problems, kidney problems, breathing problems and fucking death from the size that there stupid over indulging, fat feeding, lazy assed parents have allowed them to become.

Seriously. What parent has the right to complain that little 3 year old and 120 lb Big Mac eating Bobby can't fit into a car seat? Quit feeding the kid nasty crap and get off your lazy ass and encourage the kid to play in an energetic fashion so he doesn't become any bigger! Feed your kids something other than preservative laced, sugar filled, salt ladened nasty crap and try out some fucking carrots for a change. Why in the world should we even HAVE obsese children?!? I am not the smallest person in the world, but I have no one but myself to blame for it. I am not saying that some genetically large child should not have a car seat that protects him/her - cause let's face it there are tall assed 4 year olds out there. But a tall 4 year old doesn't need to weigh enough to be considered obese for cryin out loud.

I am all for good car seats that keep the sprogs safe in case of an accident, but it seriously annoys me that people can allow and cause their kids to become so large that they jeopardize their saftey when in an automobile - not to mention the health problems from having so much weight.

Step away from the Big Mac


Anonymous said...

It isn't that easy Steph. I have struggled with my weight since I was a child. My parents didn't give me fastfood, prepackaged food, etc... Hell, I didn't even know what soda was until after I started school. Not to say that there aren't parents who need to stop or at least limit drive thru dining, but there is way more to it than that. I just think your rant oversimplifies a very complicated problem. Any way, that's my two cents :)

Fusche said...

Mel: I hear you and I don't disagree with you on the oversimplification. The car-seat industry has not evolved properly at all. My folks never fed me packaged food either and I have struggled with my weight too..alternating between starvation dieting and overeating. I think you are perfect just the way you are btw :)

Anonymous said...

When I was a kid, we had more crap food in our house than we could possibly eat. Cookies, Fruit Loops, icecream, ding dongs, fudgecicles, devil dogs. Hell, my brother ate nothing but Apple Jacks and Peanutbutter and Fluff sandwiches for like 2 years. I was a heavy child. I had to wear huskies (to my shame and embarassment) but my heaviness and today's obesity are two totally different things. Kids today never move from in front of a tv or video game. Even though I spent more time reading than other kids my age, I still rode my bike and took swimming and tennis lessons all summer, made up dance routines to Grease songs, did the hustle, made snowmen and snow angels, played hide and seek, made up cheers for no reason at all. Plus the size of all portions of food was MUCH smaller. It's different now.