Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Suckage and Shaweet...

  • Not having enough hours in the day
  • Remodeling at the same time as having HUGE deliverables due at work
  • PM training course which I have to attend the 2nd session of
  • ISEB material I have to sift through to pass an exam for a course my company is paying giagundo amounts of money to send me on which I don't have time for because of the huge mind-shattering deliverables at work
  • Kitchen installation firms who are unbelievably arrogant and fuck up things that even a blind shaved monkey could do
  • Packing AND Unpacking
  • Not knowing where anything is and taking 30 fucking minutes to find a fucking pair of socks while tripping over boxes and stubbing my toes on furniture which is in unfamiliar places in an unfamilar place
  • Bleeding money like a frickin stuck pig
  • Only getting 4 hours of sleep a night because of remodeling and having to work crazy hours


  • Not renting anymore and owning (again)
  • Really cool friends who help unpack, put things away, clean etc..
  • Only having to grunt a mono-syllabic answer and having it understood to be a 10 minute discourse on the universe and the meaning of life
  • Sauna every Saturday from 16:00-17:00 because my building has one now
  • Mira
  • Suga letting me call her at all hours and bitch about remodeling in a foreign country
  • K sending me very intimate questions and pointing out when I sidestep the answer..case study...right...
  • The local pub is a 18 foot walk from the gate to my building's courtyard
  • Presidential elecions are over and the chic won...

The last 2 weeks has been frickin hell. Between being so angry (not at each other) that we were both in tears, having to pack our entire flat while trying to get remodeling crap done, spending money like we have it to spend and work being insane, I am incredibly knackered (euro-trash word there for you Sug)and I am not so sure I am entirely lucid anymore. I have uttered the words "never again" before and did it this time...but this time I mean it.

This Friday is definitely a get blind drunk Friday. We have agreed. The local pub is so close to my apartment I am calling it my livingroom and I am going to make liberal use of it...now if it only had my comfy couch in it...

Thursday, January 19, 2006

No niin...Huom: Osittain suomeksi..osittain englanniksi

Anzi, suomalainen ihminen, haastoi minut kertomaan viisi omituista tapaani. Tämä on oikein vaikea kysymys ja haaste. On tärkeää että olen rehellinen. Kaikki jotka lukevat tämän ovat varmoja että en ole Suomalainen. Mutta...Haluan yrittää kirjoittaa minun vastaukseni suomeksi Anzille... Kirjoitan englanniksi tämän jälkeen.

Mitä ovat viisi omituista tapaani...

1.) Olen samalainen kuin Anzi.... vessassa, vieraassakin sellaisessa, minun on ehdottomasti vaihdettava vessapaperirullan asentoa, mikäli paperi tulee alta eikä päältä..

2.) En voi käydä vessassa jos siellä on toinen ihminen sisällä. En pidä siitä kun toinen ihminen voi kuulla kun käyn vessassa.. olen ujo.

3.) En voi mennä kellarikerrokseen ilman toista ihmistä...Herra Jumala se on pelottavaa!!

4.) Kun syön omenaa...minä aina lisään sen päälle suolaa...Oikesti. Istun sohvalla ja toisessa kädessä on omena ja toisessa kädessä on suolaa...

5.)Olen suuri Barry Manilow-fani...

Okei..viimeinen juttu ei ole oikein "omituinen tapani"...mutta...

No niin Anzi...Oliko tämä mitä halusit tietää???? :)


Okay..so translation of the above:

Anzi, a Finnish person, challenged me to name 5 peculiar habits of mine. This is a really difficult question and challenge. It is important that I am honest. Everyone who reads this will be sure I am not a Fin. But, I want to try to write my answer in Finnish to Anzi. I'll write in English at the end.

What are my 5 peculiar habits:

1.) I am just like Anzii.. in the bathroom, if the toilet paperroll is the wrong way, I absolutely have to change the position so the paper comes from the top of the roll and not behind it.

2.) I can't use the bathroom if someone else is in there. I don't like it when someone else can hear when I use the bathroom..I am shy

3.)I can't go to the cellar/basement without someone else. Good God it is scary..

4.)When I eat an apple..I always put salt on it. Really. I sit on the sofa and in one hand is the apple and in the other hand is salt.

5.)I am a big Barry Manilow fan.

Okay the last one isn't really a "peculiar habit"...but...

So Anzi, is this what you wanted to know?

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Know what time it is?

Right...so I have taken a few days off of blogging because of being intensely and painfully busy at work; not to mention the remodel project...which is STILL going on...

Today I went blog surfing through my friends' blogs and discovered:
1.) Melanie lives vicariously though mine and Mira's livers.
2.) Kristin is presently avoiding rolling in dead chickens
3.) Sarah has a job were people wake her up multiple times a night...
4.) John doesn't post stuff to his blog for long periods of time and neither does Duane.

I also discovered that, whilst some would think of my drunken antics as insanely annoying and downright juvenile, my friends (and people I don't know who are listening in) seem to find my drunken phone calls in the middle of the Finnish night amusing... Who knew?! Seriously...I have this horrible habit...Okay WE have this horrible habit (aside from smoking) of having that 1 extra drink that puts over the "sensible and mature" behavior line and sends us at breakneck metabolism speed, reserved soley for alcoholic beverages, directly to making drunken phone calls across oceans, continents and time zones to those we love. Sarah even gave me her number after one drunken email to her explaining that I was drunk and wanted to call her but couldn't find her mobile number... The silly girl actually replied and GAVE it to me :) Ya get what ya give I say...

I am wondering if I should invest in this (from Geek.com):
"The folks at Virgin Mobile of Australia seem to be thinking outside the box. Just in time for the holiday season and its numerous parties, a new service will be provided by the wireless company that will prevent embarrassing late-night drunken phone calls. This seems to be quite a problem, considering the company surveyed 409 people and found that 95% of them have made drunken phone calls. Wireless customers will now be able to save themselves by dialing 333 then entering a number they would like to be blocked from calling. For US$0.25 that number will be blocked until 6 A.M. the following day. Now if a wireless company could only prevent you from hitting on your boss's wife at the company Christmas party and take your keys when your cellphone detects you've had too much to drink, it'd really be offering the holiday drunk a true suite of services."

..on second thought...Nahhhh....I like calling Kristin and telling her that I am drinking a lovely drink and she needs to go to work...I like calling Sarah and babbling about Mira eating carrots (not very "drunk" food I know Sarah..but hey..it was all that was worth eating in the house..and she LIKES carrots...ick), or Melanie and telling her that she is awesome and that I am drunk... and Beth...Oh poor Beth.. That woman gets calls from me at all frickin hours and random babble comes out of my mouth..and she puts up with it and still gives SUGA..

My friends ROCK ..seriously...

In case anyone was interested, my birthday was great...except for the throwing up part... Must have been something I ate.. Seriously. No joke. We went out for a lovely dinner... I had 2 glasses of wine and a fabulous asian fusion spicey noodle beef thinger to eat..it was yummy. Until about 10:12..when it came right back up. I have no idea why..

Oh..and also born on the same day as me (aside from Pepi..a friend's daughter who just turned 2)... :

1909 Ethel Merman, U.S. singer and actress, the "Queen of Broadway."

..might explain some cosmic reason for my big frickin mouth and loud voice...

Friday, January 13, 2006


Okay my friend Hale is feeling old. She isn't even 30 yet and she is feeling that way (read her post on her blog to find out why). We had a discussion (which she references in her post) once about 80's movies. I was in High School (Lukio for you Finns) in the 80's. Beth was in Uni. Yeah she is older than I am, but as she will always point out: "It's not the age honey it is the milage." She is right btw..it is all about the milage.

Anywho, with my birthday fast approaching and after reading Hale's post, I have started thinking about our conversation regarding 80's movies... I remember going to see Purple Rain and being mesmerized by Prince up on the screen.. What young adult in the 80's doesn't remember: The Breakfast Club, About Last Night, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Say Anything, Footloose, The Outsiders, Goonies, Better Off Dead, The Princess Bride, Some Kind of Wonderful... And for those of us who were into a more sophisticated fare: Against All Odds, The Accused, Amadeus, Blue Velvet, The Color Purple...and yes Steel Magnolias..

These are classics folks...seriously. Some of the best lines ever are from 80's movies...

"..say hello to my lill friend" - Al Pacino, "Scarface" - as Tony Montana
"..Demented and sad...but social" - The Breakfast Club
"Anyone..anyone..Bueller..Beuller" - Ferris Beuller's Day Off -
"You used to be fun. You used to be warped and twisted and hilarious... and I mean that in the best way - I mean it as a compliment! "- John Cusak - Say Anything -as Lloyd Dobler

"As you wish" - The Princess Bride
"We'll never make it.." Goonies
"2 dollars..I want my 2 dollars".. Better Off Dead

....One of my favorite exchanges in a movie ever!:
Clairee: *Here*!
[Grabs Ouiser by the shoulder and positions her in front of M'Lynn]
Clairee: *Hit this*! Go ahead M'Lynn, *slap her*!
Ouiser Boudreaux: [Taken aback and confused] Are you crazy?
Clairee: *Hit her*!
Ouiser Boudreaux: *Are you high, Clairee*?
Truvy: [In a frightened tone] Clairee, have you lost your mind?
Clairee: We'll sell t-shirts sayin' "I SLAPPED OUISER BOUDREAUX!" Hit her!
Annelle: [in a scared tone] Ms. Clairee, enoough!
Clairee: Ouiser, this is your chance to do something for your fellow man! Knock her lights out, M'Lynn!
Ouiser Boudreaux: [snatches away] Let go o' me!

...ah...nostalgia... Warning to all of you who don't know this: Upon being in the same location for more than 10 mintues, K, Mel, Michael and I can go through almost the entire script of Steel Magnolias... Well to US it is amusing..and We ARE *THAT* funny!!!!!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

My friends...

..are frickin hilarious. I think that they call me just to torture me. Today K decided to call me from an Irish bar in Seattle with John, Patricia and her husband Duane... They called because they were just about to have a Car Bomb and wanted to rub it in and figured if it was time for them to drink in the middle of the night half way around the world then it was time for me to get up for work (I was already there)... A car bomb...Ahhh the memories of Portugal with D and K...

Situation: D and K's honeymoon..in Portugal..I was there...(don't ask)..We went to an Irish bar and K was telling me about this drink...so I asked the Irish Bartendress if she knew how to make a "car bomb"...bad call I know...much maligning my intelligence (not by the bartendress but by my friends) ensued. Sooooo...I am of the firm belief that the bartender was sooo gay and soooo into me... the response I received from D and K that night..was sent again in a text message to me today: "You see gay people everywhere"...... WELL DUHHH!!!! We ARE everywhere!

THen I remember Pride in Tampere last year...OOOPS...I couldn't remember how to order one and the version I told the bartender to make would make ANYONE Hurl...

So..in case you were wondering.
Irish Car Bomb:
- 1/2 pint(s) Guinness Beer
- 1/2 oz Bailey's Irish Cream
- 1/2 oz Irish Whiskey

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


For those of you who don't know this..I am definitely NOT a morning person. I hate waking up, I hate getting out of bed, I am always cold and I am always whiney in the mornings. Seriously..I can't stand chipper people in the morning..they make my head hurt and my skin crawl. I have always been very honest about my lack of humor and down right groggyness in the morning...well now I know why.

Study: Waking up like being drunk
Wednesday, January 11, 2006;
Posted: 4:11 a.m. EST (09:11 GMT)

CHICAGO, Illinois (Reuters) -- If it takes a while to clear the cobwebs after waking up, that's understandable -- "sleep inertia" leaves some people so groggy they might as well be drunk, researchers said on Tuesday.

"For a short period, at least, the effects of sleep inertia may be as bad as or worse than being legally drunk," said researcher Kenneth Wright of the University of Colorado at Boulder.

That befuddled feeling usually lasts for at least a few minutes but may be detectable for up to two hours, Wright wrote in a report published in this week's issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.

The findings are relevant to emergency workers such as firefighters, or for truck drivers and resident doctors who must spring into action after awakening from naps. A groggy driver is accident-prone, and a hazy doctor might make a mistake calculating a drug dosage, the report said.

Wright's study of 16 subjects found the most severe impairments were evident on performance tests taken during the first three minutes after awakening from an eight-hour sleep.

"We found the cognitive skills of test subjects were worse upon awakening than after extended sleep deprivation," he said.

There is evidence that the cortical areas of the brain thought to be responsible for problem-solving, complex thought and emotions take longer to wake up than other parts of the brain, Wright wrote.

Monday, January 09, 2006


FORT SUMNER, New Mexico (AP) -- A mouse got its revenge against a homeowner who tried to dispose of it in a pile of burning leaves. The blazing creature ran back to the man's house and set it on fire.

Luciano Mares, 81, of Fort Sumner said he caught the mouse inside his house and wanted to get rid of it.

"I had some leaves burning outside, so I threw it in the fire, and the mouse was on fire and ran back at the house," Mares said from a motel room Saturday.

Village Fire Chief Juan Chavez said the burning mouse ran to just beneath a window, and the flames spread up from there and throughout the house.

No was hurt inside, but the home and everything in it was destroyed.

Unseasonably dry and windy conditions have charred more than 53,000 acres and destroyed 10 homes in southeastern New Mexico in recent weeks.

"I've seen numerous house fires," village Fire Department Capt. Jim Lyssy said, "but nothing as unique as this one."

Score one for the little guys...but the poor 81 year old guy now has no home...let's just hope for an up to date home owner's insurance policy...

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Jesus H. Christ on a Pogo stick

This cold is kicking my tail feathers... I sound like this guy!


and for those of you who DON'T know who he is. His name is Harvey Fierstein and he has a voice which makes gravel sound musical...


Monday, January 02, 2006

Yeah yeah yeah.. I know I know

I know...it has been a while since posting and you are all sad that I haven't posted in a while...Well I was in the States for the whirlwind trip to see the family for the Christmas holiday (5 days of my family and no privacy).... It was actually greaat to see everyone, but I was so tired of not having my own space after 4 days I couldn't wait to get back on the plane home to Helsinki... The topper of the trip was lunch on the day we left to come home. Yes folks I ate 2 boiled lobsters at lunch. You read that correctly..2. And they were glorious!

New Year's celebrations were low key with Hale and the gang...thanks to a killer head cold (thanks Rodge you bastard) I was not really in the celebratory mood. All I wanted was some tea and my comfy pj's and my bed...

On a funny note, I was browsing my friend's blog and he mentioned this website that allows you to see which celebrity you resemble most. You can upload several different photos of yourself (no they don't keep them) and see which celeb you look like in that photo. The ruling was that I either look like:



Now..I have nothing against looking like Annette Bening, but Ariel Sharon?!?! I look like an old fat jewish guy??!?! WOW...

Beth will say I look like:

and she will also regale me with strains of "Jessie's Girl" warbled until I scream "FOR THE LOVE OF PETE!!! STOP!!!"

So...there you have it..I resemble either an activist Actress, an 80's pop/soap opera icon or an old fat jewish guy...