- Not having enough hours in the day
- Remodeling at the same time as having HUGE deliverables due at work
- PM training course which I have to attend the 2nd session of
- ISEB material I have to sift through to pass an exam for a course my company is paying giagundo amounts of money to send me on which I don't have time for because of the huge mind-shattering deliverables at work
- Kitchen installation firms who are unbelievably arrogant and fuck up things that even a blind shaved monkey could do
- Packing AND Unpacking
- Not knowing where anything is and taking 30 fucking minutes to find a fucking pair of socks while tripping over boxes and stubbing my toes on furniture which is in unfamiliar places in an unfamilar place
- Bleeding money like a frickin stuck pig
- Only getting 4 hours of sleep a night because of remodeling and having to work crazy hours
- Not renting anymore and owning (again)
- Really cool friends who help unpack, put things away, clean etc..
- Only having to grunt a mono-syllabic answer and having it understood to be a 10 minute discourse on the universe and the meaning of life
- Sauna every Saturday from 16:00-17:00 because my building has one now
- Mira
- Suga letting me call her at all hours and bitch about remodeling in a foreign country
- K sending me very intimate questions and pointing out when I sidestep the answer..case study...right...
- The local pub is a 18 foot walk from the gate to my building's courtyard
- Presidential elecions are over and the chic won...
The last 2 weeks has been frickin hell. Between being so angry (not at each other) that we were both in tears, having to pack our entire flat while trying to get remodeling crap done, spending money like we have it to spend and work being insane, I am incredibly knackered (euro-trash word there for you Sug)and I am not so sure I am entirely lucid anymore. I have uttered the words "never again" before and did it this time...but this time I mean it.
This Friday is definitely a get blind drunk Friday. We have agreed. The local pub is so close to my apartment I am calling it my livingroom and I am going to make liberal use of it...now if it only had my comfy couch in it...