New Year's celebrations were low key with Hale and the gang...thanks to a killer head cold (thanks Rodge you bastard) I was not really in the celebratory mood. All I wanted was some tea and my comfy pj's and my bed...
On a funny note, I was browsing my friend's blog and he mentioned this website that allows you to see which celebrity you resemble most. You can upload several different photos of yourself (no they don't keep them) and see which celeb you look like in that photo. The ruling was that I either look like:


Now..I have nothing against looking like Annette Bening, but Ariel Sharon?!?! I look like an old fat jewish guy??!?! WOW...
Beth will say I look like:

and she will also regale me with strains of "Jessie's Girl" warbled until I scream "FOR THE LOVE OF PETE!!! STOP!!!"
So...there you have it..I resemble either an activist Actress, an 80's pop/soap opera icon
Ariel Sharon. Oh Dude, that's rich.
La La La La Jesse's Girl... Rick Springfield for the win.
Happy New Year!
Dude..I so know what you mean... Ariel Sharon?!?!?!
Your vote is Rick I take it...
Happy New Year to you too Sug
Although... it looks like Ariel might have a little bit of lazy eye. Hmmm.... perhaps I should reconsider.
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