La ale-lah pwad-rig son-ah jeev!!!! not Finnish folks. Gaelic! It means "Happy St. Patrick's Day!!" (for more than 1 person)... My personal favorite in Gaelic for this holiday is: "Tabhair dom a rud céanna mar atá ag an fhear ar an urlar!"....which means: Give me the same as the man on the floor!
Now I am not even remotely Irish. As Beth says, I am "portapottaginny"...which is her polite way of saying "Portuguese"... see..any romance language (like Portuguese or Spanish) sounds like "ackadack ackadack" to her. The truth is I am half Portuguese and half French. Mom is the greenhorn and Dad is the frog. However, my Dad has been married to a 100% Irish woman for going on according to her and my 86 year old grams, her mom, I am honorarily Irish. Let's face it, at 86 years old, my grams can say and do whatever the heck she likes. She has earned it and I adore that woman. She has never ever uttered the word "step" in front of granddaughter when introducing me and I love her for that. One of the most amazing women I have ever met and I love her beyond words. So today, per my grams, I am either O'Gaudreau..or O'Costa...either way it works for me.. Oh..and Happy Anniversary to you Sug - one of the only people (besides my brother) who actually got me into a dress for a wedding. I would gladly be your maid of honor all over again! - Much love to you and Leb.
Now, go out and get yourself some beer ( preferably green - food coloring does wonders) and get royally pissed to celebrate that wonderful Catholic story of a Guy and some snakes. If you say a Hail Mary or an Our Father while drinking it is almost like goin to church! :)
And because I am a proud portapottaginnyirish woman today...all 3 family crests make it into this post :)

Gaudreau - thanks to a clown as an ancestor (true story):

Costa - who knew somewhere in my heritage there was someone who could read and WASN't a fisherman or a farmer :)

1 comment:
Ah dude! Thanks! It's been five years since you wore that dress and I got the photos to prove it - I'll have to post one somewhere. Send me an email. I had to reformat and lost yer addy - have some news for ya!
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