And while we are on the subject of controversial items.. I am going to take this opportunity to react to the state of South Dakota outlawing all abortions where the mother's life is not in danger.
This bill was signed into law by the governor of South Dakota as a move by the pro-lifers to directly challenge Roe v. Wade. And move the fight to the Supreme Court to over-turn the present law on the books allowing for abortion. Now, I knew it was coming, but it still amazes me the backward thinking of some people...
Anywho.. I am not worried yet. Yet being the operative word here folks. You see, the "direct threat" I keep reading about really isn't one. What will happen next is that the law will be appealed and it will be sent to the lower Federal court to determine its validity. The lower Federal court being bound buy the previous ruling of the Supreme Court will nullify this law. "But wait!!" you yell, "They will then bring it to the Supreme Court and we will be screwed!". It is entirely true that the proponents of this preposterous law will try to bring it to the Supreme Court..however I do not thing the SJC will even hear the case and refer it back to the lower Federal court letting the said same's ruling stand. My opinion is that the justices on the SJC (including Bush's 2 cronies) will not hear this case. Not now. It will look too much like political pay back.. Not to mention the current standing of the SJC is solidly 5-4 pro Roe v. Wade.
This is where the Yet comes in.... who knows what will happen farther down the line...
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