Wednesday, March 29, 2006

What's new pussycat.. has been 12 days since posting. I know you are all waiting with rapt anticipation of what the hell I could have been doing to delay me from keeping you all updated on my oh-so-interesting life. Well your curiosity will be rewarded.

I have been medicating myself with some of the biggest horse-pill antibiotics I have seen in a while and also some ass-kickin codine-laced cough syrup.. After insisting I was "fine" while coughing up half of what was left of my lungs, Mira finally convinced me to go to the Dr. Turns out my "fine" is a respiratory infection bordering on pneumonia with a killer sinus infection to boot! I suppose the 38 C fever should have clued me in that something was drastically wrong. Okay so I was in denial. Sue me. I mean hell, I have freakishly high white blood cell counts already, so one would think I wouldn't get sick! What the hell did they do, take a farkin holiday and leave the door open so all the germies can come in and invade my body? Bastards.. I suppose I shouldn't have traveled on business for 2 days as well ( note to self..never fly with a sinus infection again...thought my head was going to explode with enough force to cause cabin depressurization)...but I Oulu..

Oulu..a postage stamp in the frozen tundra that is almost northern Finland. Middle of assbackward nowhere. Had an all day business meeting and then a "celebration" that evening at a place called the Viinitupa. It turns out the Viinitupa is a cottage in the middle of nowhere with an incredibly overly demonstrative and LOUD proprietoress. Don't get me wrong, she was Finnish...but the most UN-Finnish person I have met since living in this country for the last (almost) 2 1/2 years. Folks, she made ME look quiet and soft spoken. I thought I was gonna die. If the killer breathing/Sinus ickiy thing I have didn't kill me, I was going to shoot myself if I had to be around her for long. Flew back the next afternoon..with a repeat performance from my sinuses...UGH...

Finally went to the Dr. and he put me on sick leave. I can go back on Friday. On the plus side, the cough syrupigoodness now allows me to get more than 2 hours of sleep a night..and Mira too. The poor thing couldn't sleep because I was hacking up my bronchia all night.

OH..and I took a gander at CNN today. Ladies and Gents it is now SIR TOM! Yes indeedy..the Tiger from Wales is now Sir Tom! ROCK ON!!!


Anonymous said...

sick = yukky. here's an idea - maybe you and Mira should relocate away from the frozen say....North Carolina?! and bring all your friends. then we'll lure K and D back and it will be awesome.

-blissfully delusional :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry you have been sick, glad you are getting better, even happier you codine laced goodness to make you happy :)

Had to go read the article about Sir Tom, wow, is that a BAD pic of him on, what is up with the goatee, it is just awful!!!

Fusche said...

Sarah: nice try :) Thanks for the well wishes..

Mel: codine laced goodness is a blessing! I know what you mean on the Sir Tom pic. I think he seriously needs to fire his stylist...that goatee is just icky..creepy even..

Anonymous said...

Oh Dude, Sad I missed your call. I hope you feel better!!!!