Friday, February 10, 2006

The cool kids...

Ya know what is really funny to me? That people mock my open and honest love of Barry Manilow. So for all of you doubting thomases (no offence K or D)...

Could it be magic? Manilow is a chart-topper again
By Andrew
Gumbel in Los Angeles
Published: 10 February 2006

The king of easy listening is back. It's been 29 years since
Barry Manilow last had a number one album, but this week he has pulled off the
old magic one more time.
Manilow's new compilation of golden oldies - what
else? - unexpectedly soared to the top spot in the US Billboard chart in its
first week of release
, to the delight of his middle-of-the-road, predominantly
female audience and, no doubt, the horror of just about everyone else...."

That's right gang. You read correctly. Mr. Manilow has done it again! Come on, everyone..sing with me now..."His name was Rico. He wore a daimond...."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh dude, that pic is just too scary. Now, I love Barry, but yer scaring me.