Friday, February 24, 2006

Puff Puff

What is with people lately?! Maybe it is part of my ultimate crankiness as of late, but color me pink and call me the Easter Bunny I really can’t stand soap-box anti-smokers. I mean really people. I know it is bad for me. I know the list of crap that they put in smokes. I know all about second-hand smoke and what it can cause, let alone what I am doing to my own lungs when I take a puff. I respect people’s desire and right to not be exposed to second hand smoke, which is why I DO not smoke around non-smokers. I will leave a room and go outside. I do not smoke in my home and nor do I allow anyone else to smoke in my home. I don’t smoke in people’s cars and I will not smoke in a non-smoking area. If I am in a group of non-smokers, I just don’t do it. I also agree that restaurants should be smoke free. As a smoker even I can’t stand smoke around me when I eat. Makes me nuts.
HOWEVER, if I have to have ONE more person comment: “You know, that is bad for you.” when they notice my pack of ciggie-butts in my hand, I am going to fricken choke them. No Einstein, I DIDN’T know it is bad for me. What the hell planet do you think I live on?! It is my frickin choice to pollut my lungs if I want to and ya know what? You can BITE me if you think I am going to take your holier-than-thou condemnation of my vice. I could have worse ones folks. I could be shooting heroin into my body. I could be self-mutilating. I could be a raging alcoholic. If I want to smoke I am going to smoke. I make every effort and concession to non-smokers but god damn it lay off the “You should quit.” crap. Give it a rest already.

Me---the raging bitch today…


Anonymous said...

You can smoke around me anytime.

Anonymous said...

You know it is actually bad for you... ;)

Kalmanuppi said...

you sound like you went on a strike ;)