Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Excellent...warning..nasty language and graphic descriptions..

MLE is touring this summer!!! From her website:
Melissa 2006 Summer Tour Announcement
M.E.I.N. is excited to announce that
Melissa will be touring this summer! Stay tuned to melissaetheridge.com for
updates on Melissa's Summer Tour plans and ticket on sale information coming


Now..we all know that Melissa Etheridge is like a lesbian icon right?... I honestly have to say that I have seen her in concert about 12 times and each time it is awesome. Nothing like 10 thousand dykes singing the words of your songs back to you :)

Also.. Commander in Chief started here in Finland...rock on Geena!

Other interesting stuff. I listend to my friend Phil's podcast with this guy from Iceland..and about 30 minutes into the interview Phil asks him about social differences between Iceland and it's EU nordic counterparts... You know where this is going.. The whole gay's getting hitched thing came up.. This guy actually said that "gay sex is not normal sex". Now...um could someone define normal for me? Please? I am not sure what NORMAL actually is. Does this guy just have an aversion to the idea of a guy sticking his dingding in another guy's rumshaker or mouth? I bet this guy has no problem if his girl gives him little bootahy action or a blow job and considers THAT completely normal. Or better yet..what if he goes south of the border for his lady...I bet he considers THAT completely normal..so why is it abnormal when 2 consenting adults of the same gender get their freak on?...GRRRRRRR Normally I am not so militant, but damn it I hate having the stupid "NORMAL" label thrown around...


Anonymous said...

I didn't listen to the podcast, so I'm not really familiar with what you're writing about in the last past of the post. But the idea that Iceland would differ from Scandinavia when it comes to social issues sounds really strange to me. The Wikipedia article for "Civil Unions in Iceland" states that when the civil unions act was passed in 1996, only one conservative MP voted against it. Now I know Iceland has less MPs than Finland but when Finland passed a similar law years later, there were plenty of MPs voting against it.

In Iceland, two thirds of the population live in the capital city. If you google stuff about gays in Iceland, there are all these articles about how liberal it is and how hip and trendy place the capital city is to live in. I understand that Sweden, Denmark and Norway were long before Iceland when it comes to gay rights but is there really such a difference today?

So what was this "gay's getting hitched thing"? Has there happened something in Iceland lately? Or was it just some Icelander claiming (like many Finns would claim) that "we're not as tolerant as those Scandinavians are" or whatever without much to back that claim up?

Anzi said...

Forget about gay marriages... Melissa Etheridge is on tour? Awesome!
Is she coming to Finland?
I must be one of the rare hetero chicks out there who like her but I think she's awesome.