Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Big Thumbs

Right..so I get to work yesterday and feel like a 100 lb truck is sitting on me. I was totally wiped out from the weekend. The liver is starting to wake up again, and cursing green stuff as the spawn of satan (if I beleived in him). I look at my watch trying to figure out what time it is in the UK having said so-long to K and D several hours before at an indecent time in the morning. Not that I was indecent...okay I am an indecent human being..but I was appropriately clothed at that moment and the little saucy swear like a sailor side of my brain was still asleep even though I was upright. And don't even start on the "duh subtract 2 you idiot!"... I am not good with math. Math is evil. Math is an abomination :) I can barely add, so subtraction is asking a great deal from me.

Right, where was I... Oh watch..math..K and D...right.. So I look and my watch says 11:40. Which in my brain (remember no math) is thinking ..okay they should be back in the UK by now. I get my handy-dandy trusty-leave-it-in-a-bar mobile phone and proceed to text K thanking them for the lovely visit. Do I get a response? NO! I have to go to the web and figure out if their flight has landed in London. THEN I look at my blog this morning and I see K has commented on my weekend diatribe. Of course her comment gave me the warm and fuzzies and momentarily forget she didn't text me back. NOW as I am writing this I remember something. K is INCAPABLE of texting 2 words in under 3 minutes. Seriously..that woman is the WORST texter I have seen in a long time. On top of the fact that she doesn't own a Nokia phone, she can't even use predictive text.

One word says it all: SHUTHOG Disclaimer: K I adore you and you know it honey. One day she is on a terrace having a glass of wine enjoying the sun. As I have always called or texted her when I am feeling very relaxed on a terrace in the sun consuming alcohol, thoughts of me and the little Finn pop into her head. So being the great sister/friend that she is, she decides to text me. Predictive text on her phone made Sitting into Shuthog?!?!?! I thought it was her big thumbs because the key sequence for sitting with predictive text on (english) is: 7488464 ...but then I checked the sequence for Shuthog and it is the same... and it isn't even a word!!

Maybe I should be glad she didn't try to text after the plane?

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