Thursday, August 25, 2005 I have decided to pick a new word every day to use in my blog. Don't even start on my inability to post every day. It just means that on those days I don't post I must add additional words to make up for the lack of posting. Sort of like a complex quantum calculus equation where the coeficient of my stupidity is compounded by the lack of imagination and subsequently divided by the number of pages in a really cool thesaurus (bet you thought I didn't know what one was!) which is directly related to the quantity of wine and/or beer consumed the night before divided by the hours slept and factored to the 10th power. For all you math geeks out there, it is pretty obvious I know NOTHING about calculus. I only took enough math in school to graduate and promptly forgot almost all of it the minute I finished the test. Seriously..I can't even add properly..I require a computer or a calculator to do it all for me and with the use of webbank here in Finland I never even have to balance my cheque (note the Eurotrash spelling) book because they don't use cheques in Finland at all. They look at you like you are a freak if you ask...

Right where was I..oh..words and my use of them..So, in other words, if I am an exceptionally lazy cow (let's face it..I am always a lazy cow) I have to use more neat-o keen words. Not that it is usally a problem. Hell I can never tell a story in under 20 minutes without several tangents leading off to more tangents and then I have to "bring it home" as Michael tells me. I suppose that means my goddess title is appropriate. Although I have always kind of been a bit chagrined by that moniker...I never thought of myself as a wordy bitch (that is K's job with her blog entries..although I could run a close second)..but I guess I can be that way. I also can not speak without using wild (neat-o but not so keen word alert)gesticulations, subsequently knocking over drinks within a 3 foot radius of my windmilling and decidedly clumsy appendages which are not to be confused with the noodly appendages of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM). Seriously clumsy here folks. Wait..was that a tangent?



Anonymous said...

In the famous words of some Sesame Street style cartoon - "You're not a cow"

Anonymous said...

Bring it home, Steph.

Now that Michael has dropped off the face of the earth, who will force you to bring it home? Does this mean you will ramble forever?

Anonymous said...

Mira has adopted that task! :) I think the world is flat since Michael seems to have dropped off of it.