Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Lazy Cow

Okay so I haven't posted in a while. I could sit here and say that work has been nuts (it hasn't), aliens abducted me (they didn't..although some will disagree with me on that one), my computer died (thankfully not), I joined a commune which is anti-technology and spends it's time frolicking in the woods based on various phases of the moon or mushroom growth cycles (not bloody likely thank you very much) - but I won't. I am just a lazy cow. There.

Spent the last weekend at 2 house-warming parties. I am proud to say they have been appropriately warmed. Toasty even. My liver is trying to recover and my bank account is noticing how expensive taxis are from Espoo to Helsinki (35 bleeding euros each way!) Of course, philosophical discussions abounded and I was pleased to be informed by Hank that there is indeed a term for the straight guys that hang around lesbians. Women who hang around gay men are affectionately called "fag hags". During a rather inebriated discussion on the virtues of that moniker Hank asked what guys who hang out with lesbians are called. I must admit, I was at a loss. I was going to Let's face it, Michael has a disproportionately high number of lesbian friends, but is gay so he doesn't count...or Duane? ..he does too, but is straight. His wife gets 10 free gay days a year..unfortunately for the lesbian community she is only allowed to be a gay man... Of course Duane is really a lesbian in a man's body at any rate. So I arrive at work on Monday and check my home email from work because I was such a slug on the sofa on Sunday I didn't even turn on my computer at home. Sitting all sparkly in my inbox was an email from Hank. The man is the KING of Google. If you need to know what something is, where it is, how to find it, if it is deadly, and also random Finnish bureaucratic crap, Hank can find it for you.

Ladies and gentlemen:
dyke tyke: a male with extensive platonic friendships with lesbians

I know you were all chomping at the bit to know.


Anonymous said...

Since when is Kristin only "allowed" to be a gay man. I thought that was a choice, you know, because she really likes the whole penis thing.

Anonymous said...

For some reason I thought she agreed with Duane to only be a gay man... although it is agreed that she really likes the whole penis thing...