Monday, March 06, 2006

What the hell...

Wow..this takes the cake. Okay boys and girls, on our left we have the white washed version of the animal kingdom and on our right we

Penguin book moved from children’s section
Parents complained about story depicting two male birds raising baby

Jesus H. Christ - this is a frickin TRUE story of 2 male penguins adopting an abandoned egg at the NY City Central Park Zoo. We can't have kids learn that this happened! They mighgt think that the birds are gay and therefore that gay people might want to adopt too. Cause that would be wrong. 2 same-sexed indviduals can't possibly adopt or raise a baby together. It just isn't natural.

Well folks.. obviously Penguins find nothing wrong with it...


Anonymous said...

Penguins are smarter than humans.

Fusche said...

True dat!